Monday, January 6, 2014

Preparing for Ormskirk!

T minus 3 days until I hop on a plane to England! I have been preparing all semester and I've even had a count down on my phone for the last two months (safe to say I'm a little excited…) I've been researching Edge Hill and the Liverpool area to become familiar with where I'll be and to find some interesting places to go. My excitement is out of control-all I can think about is England! 

Everyone has been asking me if I am nervous and the answer is always "No." I've always been independent and loved exploring new places on my own. I went to Central, which is 5 hours away from home and in a different state, not knowing anyone and my experience has been more amazing than I ever expected. Being half way around the world will obviously be a much greater leap, but I'm confident that I will be able to handle it.  

I am not worried about much. A minor concern is not being able to travel enough, but being able to spend a semester in England is an amazing experience in itself. I also have to make sure I am paying attention to my budget and the exchange rate between dollars and pounds. 

It still hasn't "clicked" in my mind that I am leaving so soon! I am starting to realize that I will deeply miss my friends and family, something I wasn't expecting to be a problem. I downloaded a free texting app on my smartphone and already told my friends that I want pictures and to hear everything that is happening back in Mount Pleasant. (I also told them to prepare themselves for all the Facebook pictures I'll be posting.)

My next post will be from Ormskirk!